quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013

Nice Reunion

Reunion island from lolo_L on Vimeo.

After Reunion we feel alive. Being with people who speaks other languages, who behaves other ways, who builds other forms, who demands harder things. It was very nice. Thanks. Now I have a dream. ;-) I must run... ok! But the motto has been displayed: Build the dream. Nice challenge.

domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

Autumm... The season's fadding. Not a boy just a man.

Poor boy lucky man. The season is changing. No feelings. No passion. Just be. No... that would be poor boy but a lucky man. No man. Always a lucky boy. No changing season. Always serving mankind and no man.This season must not change. Someone said: In this real world... I smiled inside. What is the real world? Why does someone limited argues with something he knows nothing about. What is there to proof? Only the recognition that we are nothing, small dust in vacuum. Being able of running faster? Jesse
Owens died... Hitler died... Churchill died... De Gaulle died... Napolean died... What is there to real overcame? For me... even beeing human and as so making mistakes... do good is enough! Naif? Yes. But enough. Where is the place for great man? Nowhere. A great man does not need to brag about it. Welcome Autumm... and the sense of inutility for certain functions. Study harder and worth less. Only in a country like this. We burn people has we burn timber and coal.

segunda-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2013

terça-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2013

There's always someone accountable for the future.

He's a nice and good man, nice intentions, good preparation, excelent knowledge... great capacity... The right man for the job. I mean it when I say it. The right man for the job. But he never looks you in the eyes... treats you like a child, plays child psycological games... doesn't walk straight in the confidence line, the game is always foggy... Sometimes seems to not understand the big picture (what I know he understands). What is beeing advocated for most may not fit to some. For some reason the harmonics don't  work here. I don't get my satisfation like others, what can be motivation for some is insatisfaction for me. When I have to give what I have to give I'll give it. I don't need a master plan or a master chef or a master something to tell me what I am, how should behave, What I should do, with who I should do it. Sorry! I recognize that work's for most but for me... just annoys me. And the risk are high here. I'm always ready to help but for some reason (And I have a glimpse of what reason it is) the produtivity with good/high degree of quality frightens the europeans (like someone said) while the americans are the opposite, they are always waiting for what is different
I like geopolitics, I like to study geostrategy, I like to "discover" signs and connect the dots, I like to build the present in face of the challenges of the possible futures. What is being done now is containement, management of the vaccum, but I also get the big picture: To have a future man must play by the rules and the rules are being taught to the infants and naifs who haven't achieved the maturity status for independence and liabillity of the all. Well... The future is what it has to be. And this is something anoying to write because with these exercises I can pratise my english witch can be of usefull help for the future.
Now for real. Nice training today. I've enjoy it. Really. And the training is being well conducted. And we the mighty (:-) people of god must mingle with the commons so we stay attached to the ground and do not dream in flying high. Icarus tryed and burned the the wax feathers his father gave him to escape Crete. I hope not to burn my wax feathers.

God's Desert - A taste of LIVE.

Live to have a sense cannot dispense God's (tastefull) Desert...