Into a certain sense all human are like laboratory mouses. But there's an image we can imagine. Shouldn't the figure of the cientist who tests, controles and changes the variables, know that to a level of degree, he/she needs to play the game of human beings. And what game is that? The answer is amazingly simple. To be human. We must not be a thing one day... and another other day. Yesterday I was talking with a friend (usualy very nervous and with great anxiety to the task he proposes himself to do) and he was telling me that he cannot understand you. Yes. You! Sometimes you are a person, with a define purpose... and when you get what you want... the change comes suddenly... allmost like Jackill and Hide. And I aggre with him. If you deal with subjects, human subjects, they must not be treated like lab rats. The reason is very simple. The ones who cannot understand the game will close their water mine gradualy. And yes... I know your Real Art can play many instruments that by their diferent wave length can estimulate internal modullar frequencies of the rats to the tone of music the laboratory wants (or needs).
But when analised the person who plays this kind of music... the game puts a stone in the hand and a desert on the heart. By looking to nature... even the hardest stone will be compressed by the force of nature. The human who is treated like a lab mouse is a force of nature. At the end of the line, the cientist will bee crushed by the acumulation of human souls witch could have been treated like good seeds and are treated like rotten things. Live his a circle.
The other question his if this analisys pinpoints the environment forces that need a strength answer from society to resgard itself from malformations. And the answer is Yes. The work is absolutly imperiative and someone has to do it. The focus is not on forgeting, on daily basis, that most of lab rats don't know the forces you have to deal without them dealing with it directly (not even I but I have the advantage... I can imagine... and they don't). Remenber rats are precious and must be treated has so. If I had a gold stone and I knew that in the fullfilment of duty I would have to put my gold to fusion I would make the same thing: put a stone in the my hand and a desert on my heart. But is always worthy to reserve space for human afection to the rats who are humans. Permit a litlle flood to the heart. To the other ones use the stone in you hand. Otherwise live suks.
Laboratory Life Laboratory Death from Pete Ingrassia on Vimeo.